David Hutchinson, Minister, 446-6858
Church Phone, 532-9269
Bruce Glick, Moderator, 538-9264
Ann Rheinlander, Treasurer, 532-3383
Karen Klahr, Newsletter, 532-4051

December 2002

First Church of Houlton,

61 Military St.
Houlton, ME 04730

	the clock in the courthouse tower
	is a silent overseer to the town;
	market square, monument park, post office
	all wait for the strikes of time to
	accompany the business of the day
	and the years that still resonate in the brick and pavement
Whenever I walk through the park, I generally look up and glance at the old town clock. This time of year the snow and steel-gray sky provide a classic backdrop for the tower. I never tire of walking the sidewalks of this town and running into people who have stories to tell of their life here or bits of historical lore. With Houlton appearing on the cover of Down East Magazine this month and the re-opening of the Temple Cinema, there’s a new vitality in the air. It’s great to see the marquee lit and activity in town after 7 pm on a Friday night!! When our downtown recently suffered the loss of one of its oldest buildings to fire, I noticed how the local newspaper and people’s conversations retraced the history of that end of town. image marketsqr1.jpg (11564 bytes) It also reminded me of our own fire of 1902 that destroyed our predecessor building. At that time, we were located across the street next to the county jail where Broadway is now. (Broadway was created after the fire) We are currently celebrating the centennial year of our present church structure. We hope the community at large will join us in our commemorative events during the upcoming year. This is also a time for our congregation, newcomers and longtimers alike, to reflect upon our heritage as a faith community. In times such as these, I am grateful to be a part of a religious organization that is forward-looking, yet grounded in almost 200 years of history. Each day is new as each year is new. The clock in the tower makes its rounds. Live your life well.
In Ministry,	

As I approach the end of my fourth and final term as your Moderator, I am filled with wonder at the energy and creativity of our congregation. In 1999, when I first assumed this role, we were still in the process of rehabilitating our building (e.g., painting the basement and coffee room, looking into the purchase of new rugs for the parlor and trying to determine what we would do after our beloved minister, Rev. Martha Newman, retired. During these last four years, we completed this foundational work (much of which began during Karen Klahr’s tenure as Moderator) and successfully made a number of important transitions (Martha’s retirement and David’s installation). This has freed up a tremendous amount of energy and allowed us to branch out in a number of exciting and fast-evolving directions (such as our indoor and outdoor coffeehouse; childrens’ religious education program; development of church website and library; fundraising concerts, and summer programs activities, to name a few. How far we have come! I want to thank all of you again for your overwhelming generosity and support, which has made this time of service an important part of my spiritual journey.

Bruce Glick

The Rev. Donald Hinkley is our Minister Emeritus and served First Church, Houlton from '79 to '87. These are a few excerpts from the letter.
Dear Friends,

     Don’s grandson is a freshman at U of St. John in Annapolis.  Granddaughter 
Alison, will graduate high school in June in Pennsylvania.  She was a new-born 
when we served in Houlton!!  Grandson Chris is a freshman in high school.  Four 
other granddaughters are through college, working, and two are married.  Don is 
a great grandpa now!  At 82 he continues to play his beloved tennis 2x each 
week and also preaches once each month at the Oakland UU Church!  I continue 
to try and keep all the balls in the air at one time which is not easy having 
celebrated my 70th birthday this October.

     In Oakland this past two years the church has replaced 8 windows in the vestry 
and office; replaced the outside door of the vestry; re-roofed part of the vestry; 
redecorated the rental apartment over the vestry; and replaced the old organ of 
the 1920’s vintage with a brand new Allen organ.  With a congregation of about 
60 and only 30 contributing members you can see that this group is very dedicated!  
WE are blessed to be among them.  Not unlike Houlton who are equally dedicated!  
Receiving the newsletter always brings memories of friends made there.  We admire 
your courage in having kept the church going during these past difficult years.  You 
do good works!!  Come and see us when you are in Augusta.  We are just south of 
the State House and can accommodate an overnight with your bed and bath.  
Best of Luck!!


							Rose and Don Hinkley

I am pleased to report many new books have been donated for our library. We now have: Ishmael, and My Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. How to Know God by Deepak Chopra, Mysticism by Evelyn Underhill, Anatomy of the Spirit by Carolin Myss PH.D., Visions of God by Karen Armstrong, Siddhartha by H. Hesse, A Sacred Primer by Elizabeth Harper Neeld PH.D., and Science of the Soul, by Radha Soami Satsang Beas. Added to the wish list is an informative magazine for current liberal issues. What do you suggest? We are considering Utne ( used to be called Utne Reader). Many thanks for all those have made donations and given their support. Your UU Libarian, Robin Mosenfelder

Once again we will start off the new year with a morning meditation followed by our famous brunch. The meditation begins at 8 a.m. and lasts for about one hour. It is conducted in the Zen Buddhist tradition and consists of two periods of sitting meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinhin), a short dharma talk by our minister and the ceremonial sounding of the Hahn to ring in the new year. Bring along a cushion and mat or you can sit on one of the couches or a chair. No previous experience in meditation is necessary. (brief instruction will be included!!) It is a great way to quietly honor entering a new year.

Our book discussion group will be meeting bi-weekly on Wednesday nights from 6-8 p.m. during January and February. This year's book is In Our Own Best Interest: How Defending Human Rights Benefits Us All by Willian F. Shulz, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA. We've selected this book in part due to its political relevance, and also as it relates to our first principle of Unitarian Universalism; the inherent worth and dignity of the individual. Our principles can be approached as spiritual practice. Working with these difficult world concerns can draw us deeper into our own thought and personal actions. The book can be purchased online at www.beacon.org or speak to the minister and we can place a bulk order.         Dates for the book discussion group are:     Jan 15     Jan 29     Feb 12     Feb 26    

Join Bruce and Susan Glick on Friday, January 24th for an evening of poetry and other readings. We will be sharing favorite poems and other short readings while we enjoy pizza. 6-8 pm in the Parlor. Contact Bruce at 538-9264 for further information. Tentative dates for future poetry readings are March 28 and April 25.

In preparation for the annual meeting members are asked to consider the possibility of the church making a donation and becoming active in correspondence for Amnesty International. This would not be merely a donation but the opportunity to work for making changes in the world, one person at a time. Members or attenders who cannot afford to donate could still participate through the letter writing campaign in the effort to free political prisoners whereever they are. Is this something you want to do?


December 14 - Coffeehouse, 7-9:30 pm - featured performer: Boundary Lakes String Quartet
December 15 - Sunday Service, Linda Rowe-Hutchinson
December 19 - Christmas Caroling, meet at the church at 6pm
December 21 - (Sat.) Winter Solstice Service - 6:30pm. Drumming begins at 6:00pm in the sanctuary.
December 22 - Sunday Service, Rev. David Hutchinson "A Timeless Christmas".
December 24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service in the parlor 7:00pm
December 29* - Sunday Service, Jeff Lovejoy

January 1 - New Year's Day Meditation and Brunch - 8:00am
January 5 - Sunday Service, Rev. David Hutchinson
January 11 - Film Night in the Parlor, 6pm
January 12 - Brief service followed by the Annual Meeting
January 15 - Book Discussion Group, parlor 6 to 8pm
January 18 - Coffeehouse, in the basement, 7-9:30 pm
January 19 - Sunday Service, Rev. David Hutchinson (Martin Luther King Jr. Day 1/20)
January 24 - Poetry, Prose and Pizza in the Parlor, 6-8pm
January 26 - Sunday Service, TBA
January 29 - Book Discussion Group, parlor 6 to 8pm

February 1 - Meditation group in the parlor, 8am
February 2 - Sunday Service, Leigh & Fred Griffith (Chinese New Year 2/1)
February 8 - Film Night in the Parlor, 6pm
February 9 - Sunday Service, Rev. David Hutchinson
February 12 - Book Discussion Group, parlor 6 to 8pm
February 15 - Coffeehouse, in the basement, 7-9:30 pm
February 16 - Sunday Service, TBA (President's Day 2/17)
February 23 - Sunday Service, Rev. David Hutchinson (Flag Day 2/24)
February 26 - Book Discussion Group, parlor 6 to 8pm

March 1 - Meditation group in the parlor, 8am
March 2 - Sunday Service, Karen Klahr
March 8 - Film Night in the Parlor, 6pm
March 9 - Sunday Service, Rev. David Hutchinson
March 15 - Coffeehouse, in the basement, 7-9:30 pm
March 16 - Jerry Levine
March 23 - Sunday Service, Rev. David Hutchinson
March 28 - Poetry, Prose and Pizza in the Parlor, 6-8pm
March 30 - Sunday Service, Sarah Lovejoy

April 5 - Meditation group in the parlor, 8am
April 6 - Sunday Service, Rev. David Hutchinson (Daylight Saving Time begins)
April 12 - Film Night in the Parlor, 6pm
April 13 - Sunday Service, Sue Glick (Palm Sunday)
April 19 - Coffeehouse, in the basement, 7-9:30 pm
April 20 - Sunday Service, Rev. David Hutchinson (Easter; Earth Day 4/22)
April 25 - Poetry, Prose and Pizza in the Parlor, 6-8pm
April 27 - Sunday Service, Bruce Glick (Holocaust Remembrance Day 4/29)

May 3 - Meditation group in the parlor, 8am
May 4 - Sunday Service, Jeff Lovejoy
May 10 - Film Night in the Parlor, 6pm
May 11 - Sunday Service, Rev. David Hutchinson (Mother's Day)
May 17 - Coffeehouse, in the basement, 7-9:30 pm
May 18 - Sunday Service, Linda Rowe
May 25 - Sunday Service, Ann Rheinlander (Memorial Day 5/26)

June 1 - Sunday Service, Rev. David Hutchinson
* Children’s Religious Education classes meet on the last Sunday of each month.

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