David Hutchinson, Minister, 446-6858
Church Phone, 532-9269
Bruce Glick, Moderator, 538-9264
Ann Rheinlander, Treasurer, 532-3383
Karen Klahr, Newsletter, 532-4051

(in anticipation of)
Summer 2002

First Church of Houlton,

61 Military St.
Houlton, ME 04730


	As a vast, solid phalanx the generations come on, they have
	the same features and their pattern is new in the world.  All 
	wear the same expression, but it is this which they do not
	detect in each other.  It is the one life which ponders in 
	the philosophers, which drudges in the laborers, which basks
	in the poets, which dilates in the love of the women.

					- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Notebooks

As this first year of being your minister winds down, I look back and see how far we have come as a congregation since the installation last June. Time has an elastic quality. In some ways it seems like last June was long ago, and then again, in some ways it seems like just yesterday. In actuality, a great deal has transpired in each of our lives since that time and the culmination of it all is staggering if you stop and try to sort it all out. When I think of this past year, I feel a strong sense of members using this spiritual community to explore the struggles and visions of being alive in this unpredictable world. This is what I consider to be of importance. As minister, I want to be engaged in this process and be an impetus for change in whatever arises next in our congregational life.

The Emerson quote reminds me of the unity that underlies our everyday existence. This "one life" is present even within the multi-layers of our diversified congregation. Our eclectic interests are clearly evident during a typical coffee hour (which often goes longer than an hour!!). But our common interests are what keep us going in a shared direction. Nothing has changed since Emerson’s time except the ever-changing details. It’s the constant influx of these new details that keep us moving ahead into the unanticipated and the unplanned. That’s certainly what has happened this year and I suspect it will continue into the next.

G.E. Patent Nov 17, 1903

the old electric fan sits on the bookshelf in my office
manufactured in a different era
the quiet whirr of a well-oiled machine
waits for an approaching New England summer

							In Ministry,

image mn-05-02.jpg (102013 bytes)

May 23 - Public Lecture presented by AMHC, "Children's Mental Health" 6:00 pm in the Parlor

May 26 - Sunday Service with Jere Armen.
Spring Clean-Up Day after the service... (Dress casual and bring your gloves and appropriate tools.)

May 30 - Imelda Perley, "New Zealand Presentation" 6-8 pm in the Parlor

June 1- Saturday morning meditation 8am in the Parlor
June 1 - Party at Fred Brown's in Armond, NB to celebrate the addition of a new set of larger (4 metres in diameter) blades for his wind turbine which will generate much more power.

June 2 - Choir rehearsal 9 am
June 2 - Last Sunday Service of the Church year.
Flower Communion (bring a fresh-cut flower for the ceremony).   Following the service we'll have a Bubble-Blowing Celebration on the lawn and then we'll head to the Rheinlander's for a Barbecue.

June 2 - Music Recital, Students of Peter Carr and Nancy Harris. 4 pm in the Sanctuary

June 15 - Bike Ride. The day will begin with a breakfast at the Blue Moose at 8:30 am, which is open to the entire congregation. After breakfast, those who want to bike will drive north to a location above Monticello along the rail-trail line where we will begin the ride. The bike trip will cover about 10-12 miles and take 1-2 hours. As in the past, we will work out transportation so that everyone gets back to their car. It will be fun to share another part of the rail system with each other. Bring bike, helmet, water, snack, sunscreen, clothing for weather. Call Bruce or Sue at 538-9264 for further information.

June 15 - Coffeehouse in the Basement, 7 pm

June 28 & 29 - Rummage Sale, 9 am to 2 pm at the church

June 30 - Tentative date for the first gathering of a Drawing Group. Meet at the church at 9:30. Bring a sketchbook, pencil or pen, water, hat, stool, snack or bag lunch, bug repellant. Come with ideas for good drawing locations. If you have questions you can call Robin at 532-2516 or e-mail her at robin@mosenfelder.net

July 6 - Saturday morning meditation 8am in the Parlor

July 13 - Amphitheater Coffeehouse in the Park 2-9pm

July 21 - A Day at Drews Lake. Meet at 10 am, bring your canoe or kayak and we will have either a pot luck or progressive meal among the residents on the lake. Call Pat at 532-2507 (home) or 532-9145 (camp)

August 3 - Wedding of Dave and Linda at 1pm. Drums welcome. A packet of info will be arriving by mail in advance.

August 17 - Coffeehouse in the Basement, 7 pm.

August 24 - Maliseet Trail hike. Meet at the church at 9:30am, bring a bag lunch. Rain date will be the 25th.

We will, undoubtedly, be kayaking throughout the summer, meeting at Pat and Joe Hogan's camp on Drew's Lake. And, along the lines of the July 21 Day at Drews Lake listed above, there are tentative plans for a June Day at Drew's Lake and an August Day at Drew's Lake. Call Pat at 532-2507 (home) or 532-9145 (camp).

A few people have expressed interest in doing a hike in Baxter Park or Gulf Hagas. We are thinking of scheduling one of these for the fall. Please contact Dave Hutchinson or Karen Klahr with your ideas.

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